Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ActuationValContainer class for actuation values of four motors
AngularVelContainer Class for Angular velocities of four motors
gazebo::GazeboIMUPluginAn example plugin for a contact sensor
gazebo::GazeboModelPluginModel plugin for gazebo
GPSContainer Class for GPS sensor data
IMUContainer Class for IMU sensor data
JoystickRepresents a joystick device. Allows data to be sampled from it
JoystickEventEncapsulates all data relevant to a sampled joystick event
MAGContainer Class for magnetic field sensor data
MechanicsContainer Classes for Thrusts and Torques on quadrocopter frame
QuadRotorDynamicsClass for the calculation of the Quadrotor Dynamics
SensorsContainer Class for sensor data (IMU, MAG, GPS)
SILEverything, that is needed to simulate the Software in the Loop (SIL) of the quadrocopter, which is intended to be the quadrotor firmware
ThrustContainer class for Thrusts of four motors
TorqueContainer Class for torques on the quadrocopter frame
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