Berichte im chinesischen Internet

SZTU Opens Sino-German Lab for Brewing Beer

Edited by:郑斌   Release Time:2018-01-18

Students learned how to brew beer at a workshop at SZTU. [Photo/Southern Metropolis Daily]

A group of students at Shenzhen Technology University was lucky enough to brew their own beer
 at a newly opened laboratory which has introduced the skills of brewing German beer.


It is the first laboratory built with the support of experienced German universities of applied sciences.
 The lab also invited a professor from Regensburg University of Applied Sciences to teach students how to brew beer with pure taste.


According to Shenzhen Technology University, the purpose of setting up the lab
 is to help students obtain both theories and hands-on experience about the beer industry.


The students who attended the face-to-face brewing workshop
 would have a chance to taste the beer they were brewing 40 days later.
 According to the German professor,
 it takes four steps before the beer is ready for sale,
 namely malting, saccharification
, fermentation and packaging.


It is said that the lab is able to provide students with
 practical training on saccharification and fermentation.
 The first batch of raw materials used at the workshop was imported from Germany.


During the workshop, the German professor emphasized
 that it is crucial to control the temperature
 during the saccharification and fermentation process.
 Students who attended the workshop said they were excited about
 brewing beer themselves and happy to gain a lot of theoretical knowledge about the beer industry.


南方+ 记者 孙颖01-12 17:18

自己酿造的啤酒是什么味道?日前,深圳技术大学(筹)啤酒酿造过程控制实验室挂牌运作,该校的学生们足不出户,就可以在自己学校体验和 感受醇正德国啤酒的酿造过程。40天以后,啤酒就可以出街啦!

深圳技术大学(筹)啤酒酿造过程控制实验室,是中德智能制造学院借鉴和引进德国应用技术大学办学经验所建成的首个中德合建实验室,将以 工业化的啤酒酿造为教学背景,不仅引进德国啤酒酿造技术,还聘请雷根斯堡应用技术大学教授为学生进行啤酒酿造和过程控制教学,了解过程控制理论应用,共同 探讨和研究适应国内学生的全新授课模式。

Würth Elektronik Group Has Intention to Closely Cooperate with SZTU

Edited by:郑斌   Release Time:2018-03-06

Würth Elektronik Group visited Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU). [Photo/International Office]

Professor Xu Gang, the deputy director of Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU)
 warmly welcomed the delegation of Würth Elektronik Group on January 30th, 2018.
 In order to have further cooperation, both parties had an in-depth discussion.

Würth Elektronik Group had further discussion with SZTU. [Photo/ Scientific Research Office]

Alexander Gerfer, the CTO of Würth Elektronik Group,
 showed great interest in cooperating with SZTU
 in the field of electronic communication and designing relevant laboratories.
 He also expected to hire young engineers in simulation area from SZTU.
 In addition,
Professor Xu Gang hoped that the quality design
 center of
Wurth Electronics (Shenzhen)
 would provide internship opportunities for students of SZTU in the future.


2ter Besuch Juli 2018


Stand: 2018.08.07 - S. Schrammel